Whether you’re building a WordPress site with the help of a theme, or are building your own web app from scratch, having a suite of testing and benchmarking tools at your disposal is indispensable. Here are some tools we highly recommend looking into, and what they can do for you.
Responsive Test – designmodo.com
Designmodo’s Responsive Test tool allows you to quickly visualize your [Web-accessible] site in various resolutions, including presets of popular mobile devices.
WebPageTest – webpagetest.com
Run a free website speed test from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds.
PageSpeed Insights – google.com
Google has put an emphasis on page loading speed as part of their ranking metrics. PageSpeed Insights analyzes your site and provides feedback on optimizations to help your site load faster.
SEO Site Checkup – seositecheckup.com
Use this service for a comprehensive SEO scan of your website. Although SEO Site Checkup’s services are not free, you are entitled to one free site scan before being put on a timeout.
Website Speed Test – pingdom.com
Pingdom’s Website Speed Test utility will allow you to test the loading speed of your site various datacenters across the world. We wish there were more testing points (e.g. Canadian!) to better test regional load times, but we can’t complain!
Do you like what you see? Contact us today!
If you’re Canadian or located in the National Capital Region, let’s chat about bringing your project or business online.